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Focus on Your Week

The Sun square Jupiter could cast doubt on your plans. Despite everything, don't hesitate to forge ahead! Opportunities are multiplying. Maintain a positive and determined attitude despite the obstacles and you'll see, the wind will shift in your favour. Everything is a matter of perspective. Will you draw the positive or negative blanket?


Your weekendAries

The spark of friendly camaraderie ignites, but beware the will-o'-the-wisp. A platonic love could lead you astray from the real issue at hand. The pull is palpable, yet resist, uphold your tranquility, and free yourself from needless tensions. All in good time!

Aries Your compatibilities this week

Your love lifeAries

For those in relationships, a reassessment is required. It is time to take stock and reconsider certain habits. Camaraderie will grow with open dialogue. As for the singles, the week promises charming, surprising encounters. Keep an open mind: each individual can teach you something significant.

You love

The ardor of Leo harmonizes flawlessly with your overflowing energy, forging a dynamic alliance!

You avoid

The softness of Pisces, often indecisive, may contrast with your daring and enterprising character this week.

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