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Your horoscope for the year 2025 Pisces

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JANUARYPisces - 2025

January is a month of high tension in relationships. In the sphere of friends and/or family, misunderstandings persist, and you'll need to set the record straight. On the business side, take advantage of the transit of Mars in Capricorn to develop an idea or plan a long-term project. On the financial side, your management needs a boost.

FEBRUARYPisces - 2025

Uranus in Taurus urges you to overcome your fears and make your own luck. In love, there's no risk of boredom. Your relationship with your partner will grow stronger. For singles, February promises to be a memorable month. On the business front, you could conclude a contract with financial rewards. You're securing your future.

MARCHPisces - 2025

You're on a roll. Mars in your sign gives a boost to your activities. On the love front, Venus and Mercury are working their magic. Singles, you're banking on seduction. If you're in a relationship, you'll be exploring the possibility of marriage. In terms of vitality, you're resisting stress.

APRILPisces - 2025

You'll be able to count on Saturn and Mars in your sign to get you out of a tight spot. In love, you're ambitious and take the reins in your own hands. At work, a new page is being turned, and you're actively manoeuvring to gain new responsibilities. The situation is ideal for convincing a financial partner.

MAYPisces - 2025

Bye-bye monotony, May brings dynamism and optimism. Mercury, Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus bring you great personal and professional satisfaction. Under the influence of Venus in Taurus, your love life is stable. If you're a couple, your union will become a reality. If you're single, communication will be fluid.

JUNEPisces - 2025

It's time to recharge your batteries. Stop pushing yourself too hard, or you'll burn out. The planetary energies circulating in the sign of Gemini are creating instability in your daily life. You need to take a step back. A friendly adjustment is in order. At work, you'll have to deal with everyone's moods.

JULYPisces - 2025

A start to summer under astral protection. July is turning out to your advantage. On the heart side, it's intense, romantic, and declarations of love are pouring in. You take creative initiatives. In your relationships, you're able to let go of resentment. At work, you calm conflicts. Your talents are in demand.

AUGUSTPisces - 2025

In August, you will considerably strengthen your assets. Restrained by your financial and/or professional ambitions, the planets invite you to put things into perspective. Sentimentally, Venus in Virgo raises a taboo subject. As a couple, you need certainty. If you're single, it's time to close a chapter for good.

SEPTEMBERPisces - 2025

Pluto in Capricorn supports your projects strongly and helps you to balance your private and professional life. You need to distance yourself from routine. In love, you're moving up a gear. As a couple, you're ready to let the ring slip through your finger. At work, you're redoubling your inventiveness.

OCTOBERPisces - 2025

Under Jupiter's influence, you're ready to take on a number of major challenges. You convert your ideas into action. Pluto encourages risk taking. Around the 18th, you enjoy greater autonomy, and one of your projects is about to come to fruition. You'll benefit from optimal conditions for fulfilling your dreams.

NOVEMBERPisces - 2025

Dear Pisces, you're going to have to cut to the quick. At work and in your private life, you can no longer procrastinate. You're going to have to be more radical in your decision-making. In love, Venus is pushing you to the limit. If you're in a relationship, a slip of the pen could cost you dearly. Solo, you'll need to question yourself.

DECEMBERPisces - 2025

Planetary dissonances are creating multiple difficulties. You'll have to learn to dance in the rain. Sentimentally, you're in a state of consternation. Doubts and uncertainties rein in couples. If you're single, someone is invading your vital space, and you're not happy about it. At work, the astral configuration is blocking your way.

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