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Your horoscope for the year 2025 of Leo

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JANUARYLeo - 2025

Things are gradually settling down. A mixed start to the year. It's a roller-coaster ride, but you're not giving up. In your heart, you're leaving the past behind you. Professionally, you're invited to put things right. It's time to change your approach. Your resourcefulness will play a major role in your evolution.

FEBRUARYLeo - 2025

Annoyances and setbacks. February heralds personal and financial difficulties. You'll need to set things straight. The stars advise you to be vigilant. Planetary dissonances will force you to maintain dialogue in order to avoid clashes. Pierce the abscess. Budget-wise, meet your deadlines!

MARCHLeo - 2025

Develop your creativity. Mercury in Aries will give your ideas a boost, and your projects will become more constructive. Launching an activity will prove lucrative in the long term. In your heart, a situation will be resolved, and prospects will be brighter. Tensions are easing. Venus protects you from all constraints.

APRILLeo - 2025

Under fire. The planets recommend letting go. Let yourself go. Sentimentally and professionally, you're invited to think outside the box. Materially, Jupiter in Taurus is likely to create obstacles, so you'll need to be extra vigilant and avoid hasty decisions.

MAYLeo - 2025

This month, your love life will take a back seat, and you'll have many other priorities on your mind. Mars in Aries suggests that you take the high road. Professionally, a reset is in order. The time has come to work on your weaknesses. From the 25th, Jupiter in Gemini will ensure your success in business. Stay positive!

JUNELeo - 2025

Fresh feelings. June brings its share of pleasant surprises. Jupiter in Gemini favors sentimental impulses. In your heart, you're making things happen. Professionally, the cards have been reshuffled. Your arguments are convincing, and you manage to find financing. A long-standing project comes to fruition.

JULYLeo - 2025

The vacation season promises to be emotionally relaxing. You'll be putting your thoughts in order, needing to evacuate the pressure you've built up over the last few weeks. Lovers are on fire, friendships are solid. You're having a great time surrounded by loved ones. Professionally, you're putting projects on hold.

AUGUSTLeo - 2025

A flamboyant month! Jupiter in Gemini keeps all its promises, and a situation gets moving. In August, you'll be lounging around, forgetting about professional and/or personal constraints. In your heart, Venus and Mercury exalt your feelings and inspire you. You realize how lucky you are to be surrounded and loved by all those close to you.


September allows you to take stock of current affairs. You can take stock of what you've already done. Professionally, you multiply your chances of bringing one of your biggest projects to fruition. In love, you're taking control of a situation. Venus in Libra makes you more optimistic!

OCTOBERLeo - 2025

The planetary situation in October gives you a head start. On the pro side, you'll go for it. Your mentors inspire you, and you put your signature on a project. In your heart, you're losing latitude. Uncertainties are back. Uranus rekindles tensions and conflicts, and you can't get your ideas heard.

NOVEMBERLeo - 2025

Towards new decisions. At the beginning of November, certain personal difficulties will melt like snow in the sun. You'll be able to find common ground with the people around you. Financially, planets will confront you with high spending risks. A feeling of insecurity prevails, as there is no such thing as zero risk.

DECEMBERLeo - 2025

December plays on contrasts. The year ends under a heavy emotional burden, with you having to put up with decisions imposed on you. In the family, a situation upsets you and the climate is conflictual. On the business side, the stars are announcing new alliances and projects are on the drawing board. You'll have to wait a little longer to reap the rewards.

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