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Astral atmosphere

The Moon-Jupiter conjunction comes to spark your responsiveness today. But with its square to Saturn, do not succumb to gloominess. Face every challenge with optimism and vigour. Stay attuned to your needs to maintain this momentum.

  • LOVE

Love adviceLeo - September 23, 2024

Whether paired or single, the time has come for momentous decisions. While the Moon-Jupiter conjunction bodes well for the heralding of a significant milestone in your love life, the watchword remains caution. Are you single and considering a serious relationship? As a couple, are there sensitive topics that need to be addressed?


Tonight, take it upon yourself to arrange an outing with friends. Amid the high spirits, you may just cross glances with someone who sparks within you an intense and unexpected feeling. However, do not forget that the priority remains, above all, to relish in your freedom. It is precious.

In a relationship

Today is the perfect moment to add a touch of spice to your relationship. Don't be afraid to unveil your playful desires to your better half. It's a way to shatter the mundane routine that's settling between you. However, tread carefully, do it with tact and gentleness, so as not to brew unnecessary disagreements. Take no chances...

CareerLeo - September 23, 2024

A conflict of interests looms on the horizon. The Sun-Mercury conjunction, forming a trine with Pluto, endows you with the acumen to turn tensions into opportunities. Gather the parties, foster dialogue, and suggest a win-win solution. Your shrewdness can be a real force for change. Harness this power!

Your financesLeo - September 23, 2024

An alert regarding your bank charges leaves you in a state of puzzlement. It's time to dissect all these figures to understand where your money is going. Don't hesitate to take measures, such as subscribing to a different package, or switching banks. An exertion that could lighten your budget, it's enticing!

Friends & familyLeo - September 23, 2024

In the face of an awkward joke, transform your embarrassment into insight. Strive instead to comprehend its light and offbeat essence, rather than forcing yourself to smile. After all, sympathy is much more than mere bursts of laughter, isn't it?

Health & wellbeingLeo - September 23, 2024

Unearth the sway a toxic friendship can have on your well-being. Take the time to dissect these bonds and ponder whether they truly merit it. A genuine smile can occasionally conceal profound torments.

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