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Astral atmosphere

Between the Sun opposing Neptune and the Moon's square to Saturn, all is not rosy! Stay realistic, don't concoct implausible scenarios. Beware of wavering morale, and keep your feet firm on the ground. Chaos or clarity? The choice is yours!

  • LOVE

Love adviceLibra - September 23, 2024

The opposition of the Sun and Neptune may invite an allure towards a personality different from your own. Peculiar, isn't it? But do not let yourself be swayed. Remain true to yourself, do not assume a character just to bask in the limelight. Authenticity always prevails, in love and beyond. Does this resonate with you?


The gaze of others beckons you more than usual today. Seize the opportunity to step out, to explore your surroundings. No need for another half to appreciate these moments. This is your time, revel in it fully. A smile can change a great deal, can it not?

In a relationship

Annoyances may arise, words of disconcerting honesty are exchanged. It's difficult, but accept this moment as an opportunity to deepen the relationship. No need for coldness or evasion, listen and understand. Love is also the trial of storms.

CareerLibra - September 23, 2024

Do not underestimate the significance of small interactions. A smile or a kind gesture towards a colleague can boost your popularity. Now is the time to positively influence your surroundings. The Sun-Pluto trine aids you in this endeavor. Opt for a winning synergy.

Your financesLibra - September 23, 2024

They say to compare is to know! Take a moment to scrutinize your spendings and savings. The solution may be hiding where you least anticipate it. Finances, too, are a matter of perception. Ready for the big clean-up?

Friends & familyLibra - September 23, 2024

No expectations, no pressures. Express your gratitude to someone who matters to you. A simple thank you could light up their day and strengthen your bond. Sometimes, less is indeed more!

Health & wellbeingLibra - September 23, 2024

Stepping back, that's what you need to overcome a family disagreement. Well-being also means adapting to such situations. Breathe, nod, but don't try to persuade. Is exhaustion on the horizon? Avoid the fight today.

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