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Astral atmosphere

With Mercury-Sun in trine to Uranus, the news is good! Perhaps it will be surprising but positive. Stay open to changes, put away that pessimism which has no place here. Could a family matter finally be resolving itself?

  • LOVE

Love adviceAquarius - September 23, 2024

In a relationship, listen to your feelings and dare to embark on a fresh start. The ability to rejuvenate oneself is often a positive attribute. A surge of clarity may rekindle the flame. If you are single, an instantaneous connection during an evening event could be surprising. The sway of Mercury encourages exchanges, so let yourself be carried away!


An unexpected encounter could jostle your routine and spark a resurgence of enthusiasm. Make the most of this opportunity to rediscover the joy of new connections. Your independence is a strength, but it doesn't necessitate perennial solitude. Don't linger in a corner!

In a relationship

A shared secret leads to a strengthened bond. Dare to express what you keep to yourself, it could give a new impetus to your relationship. The key words for the day are sincerity and openness. An ideal time to illuminate shadowy areas, what do you think?

CareerAquarius - September 23, 2024

Do not stand alone in the face of job loss. The support of your loved ones can be invaluable. With Mercury in sight, dare to voice your fears and share your circumstances. Perhaps it's time to bounce back and consider a career change. Who knows, this fresh start could take you further.

Your financesAquarius - September 23, 2024

Arranging a mere yard sale could aid in balancing your budget. Besides crafting room in your home, it encourages generosity and sharing with your neighbours. Unused items may find a new lease on life elsewhere. Remember, every little amount set aside counts.

Friends & familyAquarius - September 23, 2024

Express your forgiveness towards a loved one. A simple gesture or a sincere message can erase the grievances that accumulate. Respect allows you to fully embrace your differences. Take the first step.

Health & wellbeingAquarius - September 23, 2024

Adapting to change calls for innovation. Consider altering your routines with inventiveness. Stay positive, Saturn undermines the spirits. Try engaging in a soothing activity.

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