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Day after tomorrow's horoscope Sagittarius

September 23, 2024
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Astral atmosphere

Saturn arrives to disrupt the fullness that Moon-Jupiter is attempting to bring you. Avoid lamentations, remain objective and realistic. A day to redouble vigilance in your social interactions.

  • LOVE

Love adviceSagittarius - September 23, 2024

You are making the most of the time spent together to delve deeply into your mutual understanding. A strong bond is being woven at every moment, but don't overthink it! For those hearts yet unclaimed, the potential to kickstart a genuine love story is indeed present. Take note of the signals, all it takes is to pay them heed...


A familiar face resurfaces, a first love perhaps? What a wealth of opportunities to rediscover oneself in a new light! Use this as a chance to shake up your usual routine. Your independence retains its value, ensure to honour it while traversing these uncharted territories.

In a relationship

Chart a course towards moments of privileged intimacy. Don't forget the language of silence and let touch take the lead. This is a day for fostering camaraderie and mutual understanding. The Venus-Pluto square is probing your feelings far too much. Cease before you come to regret it.

CareerSagittarius - September 23, 2024

Upholding the balance between professional and personal life is no easy task. Uranus's influence fosters a bold and open mindset. Harness it to push back certain boundaries. Don't allow tasks to pile up at the expense of your personal wellbeing. Remember to also think about yourself, ease off the pedal!

Your financesSagittarius - September 23, 2024

Perhaps it's time to renegotiate your phone plan. A candid exchange with your service provider could lighten your bills. Savings of this sort are always welcome, aren't they?

Friends & familySagittarius - September 23, 2024

Exercise subtlety when managing disagreements. Smile at disconcerting remarks to maintain a pleasant atmosphere. Your patience will bear its fruits.

Health & wellbeingSagittarius - September 23, 2024

In the face of the deluge of duties on your agenda, make some time for yourself. There's no need to scatter your energies, prioritize your tasks. Cultivating this sense of discernment is a fine way to grow.

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