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Astral atmosphere

Within the sign, Saturn's square aspect to the Moon conveys a mixed morale. Mercury suggests it's an opportune moment to acquire new skills. Perseverance is the word of the day, don't let go of anything!

  • LOVE

Love advicePisces - September 23, 2024

Solo voyagers, chance encounters are brimming with charm and excitement, don't close the door on them. Open yourself to the unexpected. For those in pairs, forget the routine and keep the flame of romance alight. Despite hardships, your mutual encouragement will be a genuine antidote to potential troubles.


Heart aflutter, set your anchor in self-love. Inspire new heights of intimacy with authenticity and openness, sans the shackles of commitment-free dalliances. Fill your being with friends' laughter and lone ventures into the elixir of independence. Shrug off hovering toxic engagement, you deserve space to luxuriate in personal time. An unexpected meeting might stir unexplored dimensions of passion. Be present dairy-explorer!

In a relationship

The landscape may appear barren with tensions on the horizon. However, never forget that it's also an opportunity to nurture your relationship. Traverse this trial together, showcasing tolerance and empathy. It will be like an oasis in the desert!

CareerPisces - September 23, 2024

It's time to kick off the negotiations! Whether you're aiming for a promotion or a new contract, your perseverance, underscored by Saturn trine Mars, will be key. Don't be afraid to present your arguments and demonstrate your worth. You have everything to gain!

Your financesPisces - September 23, 2024

Before reaching for your credit card for trifles, ponder upon enduring products. Consume with mindfulness and think in the long run. This could well balance your budget this month. Preserving the planet and saving money can go hand in hand.

Friends & familyPisces - September 23, 2024

Cultivating a rapport with this helpful neighbour could reap rewards. Reciprocate their aid by offering your assistance in a near-daily task. You'll see, mutual help can be quite beneficial.

Health & wellbeingPisces - September 23, 2024

Take the time for a restorative nap to replenish your energy. This small moment of well-being could be your salvation. You'll awaken with a refreshed spirit!

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