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Astral atmosphere

The influence of Mercury square to Jupiter could make communication a delicate affair. Choose your words wisely during debates. To dodge misunderstandings, maintain neutrality. Saturn sends spirits into a slump.

  • LOVE

Love adviceVirgo - September 23, 2024

Rediscover sensuality and passion, keys to romantic success. For couples: a reevaluation is required, discuss your respective desires. For singles: dare to express your passion by presenting yourself in a different light. Uranus in trine with Sun-Mercury inspires this audacious spontaneity. Cast off your inhibitions!


It's time to strategize your charm offensive! A fresh look or an unusual activity might just prick curiosity. But don't forget to also cherish your moments of solitude. Take advantage of this to read that book which has been waiting on your bedside table. Have gratitude for your cherished freedom.

In a relationship

Taking the reins is the mantra of the day. Leave behind your minor worries to celebrate life as a pair. Schedule a candlelit dinner or a romantic evening to relish moments of shared joy. Bolster your bond by disregarding the negative thoughts of the moment.

CareerVirgo - September 23, 2024

It's a day to inspire your colleagues. A well-thought-out speech and encouraging words can create a dynamic atmosphere. The influence of Mercury trine Uranus supports this surge of effective communication. But seek advice if necessary.

Your financesVirgo - September 23, 2024

If today you notice the loss of a personal possession, don't panic. Take it as an opportunity to declutter. Try to rid yourself of the unnecessary, the time is ripe. This is the moment to start distributing your resources more efficiently..

Friends & familyVirgo - September 23, 2024

Practice the art of collaborating effectively with your colleagues. Share your ideas within your team and appreciate those of others. Enrich your knowledge through the diversity of approaches.

Health & wellbeingVirgo - September 23, 2024

Take the time to ponder and accept your flaws. They are unique and an integral part of who you are. Embrace them, they shape your character. Fill your mind with positive thoughts. Do not let Saturn dishearten you.

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