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Astral atmosphere

Venus ventures into your sign, and with its square to Pluto, beware of tensions. You stand a chance of being somewhat unpleasant in your exchanges. Take a step back before responding to significant messages. Tranquility is your ally.

  • LOVE

Love adviceScorpio - September 23, 2024

Every relationship, be it new or longstanding, calls for a delicate balance. Yearning to display your independence? Now's the time! Carve out moments for yourself and shared instances as a couple. Harmony hinges upon the fusion of individual freedom and the bond woven together. It's an opportunity to redefine who you are...


You're rediscovering yourself in solitude, but don't forget to honor who you truly are. Prior to the promising encounter, grant yourself an evening solely for you. Do what pleases you, without any compromise. Your personal fulfillment will thus radiate in your encounters.

In a relationship

An intimate memory resurfaces, resetting the counters to zero! For the past few days, you've been unsure of your bearings. Spice up your evening, a mischievous surprise on the horizon could rekindle desire. Why deny yourself, seize happiness whenever it presents itself.

CareerScorpio - September 23, 2024

Nurture inspiration today. Seek that which truly stirs you. Feel the vibrations of Mercury in trine with Uranus, stimulating your discerning mind. There's nothing wrong in taking a creative hiatus to recharge your batteries.

Your financesScorpio - September 23, 2024

The hour has arrived to take stock of your monthly subscriptions. Ponder, do you truly require them all? Perhaps a certain rationalization could aid in making some savings. Allow yourself time to analyze and act accordingly.

Friends & familyScorpio - September 23, 2024

To innovate, that's the current mantra. Offer a fresh idea to your colleagues. But remember to sidestep unnecessary conflicts. The regard for others' opinions is paramount.

Health & wellbeingScorpio - September 23, 2024

Do not hesitate to shift your thoughts, Saturn square to the Moon is undermining your spirits. Dare to make choices that favor your well-being. The courage is within you, find it!

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