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Astral atmosphere

Venus square to Pluto stirs up tensions. Beware of pointless conflicts! Choose dialogue and diplomacy, as Moon-Uranus makes you impulsive and unpredictable.

  • LOVE

Love adviceAquarius - September 22, 2024

Even though love is ever-present, patience is a requisite for this day. In a relationship? A period of tension is looming. Listen to each other, adjust. Alone at present? A renewal is knocking on your door, let it in! Each encounter begins with a risk. Embrace it.


Do you feel that spike of exhilaration? It might be an unforeseen bolt of love! But remember, independence also has its delights. Take time to ponder before you commit. After all, your single status doesn't displease you as much as you thought... Quite the opposite!

In a relationship

Doubts regarding the fidelity of your other half are niggling at you. Do not let uncertainties undermine your relationship. It is time to fortify your bond. Communicate your feelings candidly. The relief will be palpable and the reclaimed trust will bolster your love.

CareerAquarius - September 22, 2024

As your career draws to its twilight, it's time for partnership. Harness the sway of Uranus to demonstrate creativity and share your ideas with your colleagues. Your experience is a valuable asset, don't keep it to yourself. Mutual assistance and sharing are on the agenda.

Your financesAquarius - September 22, 2024

A modest financial triumph lies just around the bend for you! It might be a small sum won in a game of chance. Do not spend it impulsively. It's time to plan your expenditures and invest in something enduring. Finances are akin to a garden, they require diligent cultivation.

Friends & familyAquarius - September 22, 2024

Beware of envious friends. Take the time to clarify matters, it is necessary. Avoid quarrels and favor dialogue. Keep calm, in order to spend this day peacefully.

Health & wellbeingAquarius - September 22, 2024

Revel in the open air, partake in a jog or a walk amidst nature. Physical exertion is invigorating, and the tranquility of nature soothes the mind. Thus, rediscover a sensation of complete well-being.

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